Data Analytics

We transform data into knowledge and business results

Data Analytics Capabilities

At MBD analytics we integrate the three capabilities necessary for the successful execution of automated Data Analytics projects with high business impact.


Relational databases / Big Data Technologies / Cloud

Visualisation tools

Statistical tools


Mathematical / Statistical expertise

Design and validation of methodologies and algorithms

Business vision

Alignment with business objectives

Understandable, operational, actionable results


Data Analytics is a field in continuous flux which requires a combination of capabilities and high level expertise in techniques that are undergoing constant innovation.
MBD carries out its projects with multidisciplinary teams that have extensive and proven experience in the different techniques and methodologies required:

Small & Big Data Management

Advanced management of large volumes of data and formats, extracting information from Big Data Platforms, relational databases and cloud ecosystems.

AI & Machine Learning

Modelling, predictive algorithms and Clustering processes using the most advanced tools (R, Python, SAS)

Business Analysis

Advanced descriptive analytics to evaluate KPIs, in-depth analyses of results of campaigns or actions, identifying behaviour profiles or assessing initiatives.

Data Automation

Automation and digitalisation in local or cloud environments of operational tasks, algorithms, Data Lakes or visualisation tools.

Data Visualization

Visualisation with dynamic / drill-down / real-time, dashboards with the most innovative tools (PowerBI, Qlickview, Tableau..) and web tools.

Forecasting & Planning

Design of estimation algorithms with statistical tools for efficient business and resource planning.

Differential values

We carry out high-impact Data Analytics projects which are easily applicable to business operations

1. High business impact

2. Short-term results – quick wins

3. Transparency without black boxes

4. Automated E2E projects

5. Online & Offline Integration

6. Big Data & Small Data